Children's Faith Formation (Religious Education)
Zerlina Kirchen,
Coordinator of Lifelong Faith Formation Contact Information: Phone: (847) 671-6429 [email protected] All Catholic grade school students in public school should be enrolled in Religious Education Classes.
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The Tuesday, January 21st class has been cancelled. There will be a make-up class on Tuesday, January 28th.
Sacramental InformationThe Religious Education program has a 2 year consecutive attendance requirement for the reception of the Sacraments of Communion and Confirmation. 1st Reconciliation & Communion are usually celebrated in 2nd grade and Confirmation is celebrated in 8th Grade. Special Sacraments Class Students in grades 3-7 who need to receive the Sacraments of 1st Reconciliation & Communion will be enrolled in this class in their second consecutive year of attendance in the Religious Education Program. This class is designed to be a separate class to prepare the students for these sacraments. This class meets on a separate Saturday each month from 9-11am. Mass & Service HoursStudents in grades K-8 have a certain number of Mass and service hours they must complete each year. For Mass hours, you need to get a bulletin signed by the priest or a liturgical minister (lector, usher, Communion minister, music director, or choir member), or a catechist or the religious education coordinator. Students can turn their bulletin in to their catechists when they attend class in person or they can scan it or photograph it and email it to the Religious Education Coordinator. Students can earn service hours through various activities which are listed on the service hours direction sheet below. For each act of service the children do they must complete a service hour form. Students can turn this form in to their catechists when they attend class in-person or they can scan it or photograph it and email it to the Religious Education Coordinator. The service hour form can be found below. SERVICE HOURS FORM |
Upcoming Events Saturday, January 25th Religious Ed. Class 9:00-11:30am Communion & Confirmation Biography Sheets Due Tuesday, January 28th Make-Up Class Religious Ed. Class - 6:00-8:00pm Communion & Confirmation Biography Sheets Due Saturday, February 1st Special Sacraments Class 9:00-11:00am Sunday, February 2nd Family Mass at 11:30am The 6th Grade will be reading and bringing up the gifts Tuesday, February 4th Religious Ed. Class 6:00-8:00pm Wednesday, February 5th First Reconciliation 7:00pm in Church Saturday, February 8th Religious Ed. Class 9:00-11:30am Wednesday, February 12th First Reconciliation 7:00pm in Church Tuesday, February 18th Religious Ed. Class 6:00-8:00pm Saturday, February 22nd Religious Ed. Class 9:00-11:30am |