Altar Servers
Assists the priest during the Mass. You may choose your Mass time, and training is provided. Please contact Zerlina Kirchen at (847) 671-6429 or at [email protected]. Bereavement Ministers
Assists the pastor in preparing for funerals by contacting the family of the deceased and helping them prepare the funeral liturgy. Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion
Assists with the distribution of Communion at Mass. You may choose your Mass time, and training is provided. Please contact Linda Rawski at (847) 678-0097. Lectors
Proclaims the Word of God at Mass. You may choose your Mass time, and training is provided. Please contact Joan Golembiewski at [email protected]. |
Liturgy Committee
Helps plan the Masses and special liturgies throughout the year. Meets a few times a year. Members also help to decorate the church for the liturgical seasons. Ministers of Care
Brings the Eucharist to those at home, hospitals, or nursing homes. Visits with them and prays with them. Ushers/Greeters
Greets people before and after Mass, assists with the collection, and helps in other ways as needed. You may choose your Mass time. Please contact Connie Fippinger at (847) 414-9884. |