Our Patron Saints
Saint Beatrice |
Saint Maria Goretti |
Virgin and Martyr Died c. 303 A.D. Feast Day: July 29 Also known as Beatrix Often pictured holding a cord in her hand, symbolizing her death St. Beatrice's two brothers, St. Simplicius and St. Faustinus, were cruelly tormented and eventually beheaded in Rome during the Diocletian persecution in the year 303. Their sister Beatrice took up their bodies out of the Tiber and gave them burial. She concealed herself for seven months in the house of a virtuous widow called Lucina, with whom she spent her time, night and day, in fervent prayer and in the exercise of other good works. She was discovered and impeached by a pagan kinsman who designed to possess her estate. She resolutely protested to the judge that she would never adore gods of wood and stone, and she was thus strangled by his order in prison the following night. Lucina buried her body near her brothers on the side of the highway to Porto, in the cemetery called Ad Ursum Pileatum. Pope Leo translated their relics into a church which he built to their honor in the city, and they now lie in that of St. Mary Major. (Excerpted from The Lives of the Fathers, Martyrs, and Other Principal Saints, Volume 7) |
Virgin and Martyr October 16, 1890 - July 6, 1902 Feast Day: July 6 Often pictured holding lilies, symbolizing her purity, and a dagger, symbolizing her death St. Maria Goretti was born in Italy on October 16, 1890. Her parents were farmers. After her father’s death in 1899, her family needed to share a house with another family, the Serenellis. One of their sons, Alessandro, attacked Maria after she refused his advances. He stabbed her 14 times as she defended her purity. She was taken to the hospital and died on July 6, 1902. Before she died she forgave her attacker, and appeared to him later in a vision, which led to his conversion. St. Maria Goretti is one of the youngest saints to be canonized. The crowd at her canonization was the largest that had ever assembled for a canonization in Rome at that time, and in attendance were Maria's mother, and her attacker, Alessandro. |